D.O.B- 01/02/1926
Place of birth- New York, America
D.O.D- 21/04/2009 (83)
Place of death- Chicago, Illinois, America
Occupation- Nanny
- Maier's work was unknown in her lifetime as she never published it, a number of Chicago based collectors discovered her work in 2007.
- Her mother was French and moved to New York where she worked in a sweat shop.
- She worked for two families as a nanny and is reported as "being a real life Mary Poppins".
- After failing to keep up payments on a storage unit after her death Maier's photos and audio recordings were seized and auctioned.

Was Maiers work art?
Here is the definition of art:
It is stated above that art is the expression of a humans creative skill which can be appreciated for its beauty to emotional power so in a literal sense there can be no doubt that what Maier was producing at this time should be classed as art.
In my opinion I agree with the above statement as I find Maiers work both beautiful and intriguing and whilst others may not share my opinion it is not possible that this piece of imagery will not elicit some sort of response from the viewer whether that be dislike or fascination. Furthermore you do not have to like something for it to be considered art.
Examples of Work
This image is intriguing due to the use of multiple mirror postponed at a variety of angles which reflect Meyer's form in different ways. This image has a somewhat eccentric air which fits into Meyer's personality.
This image is interesting as the Volkswagen logo links this image to the time in which it was shot as in the time of Meyer's photography career Volkswagens were a popular car. Meyer's self portraiture here is intriguing as she has positioned herself in a way which makes her smaller than the logo and possibly carries the connotations of the power of the capitalist society.
This image interests me as it is an example of Meyer's candid photography work in which she rarely asked the subjects permission before or after taking her photos. The reflection in the water is interesting as it makes the subjects appear darker than they are when contrasted with the bright sun behind them.
Influence on my work
Meyer's work has inspired me to experiment with black and white imagery in relation to reflection and self portraiture.
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