Thursday 8 October 2015

Tone- Work diary

The objective of the assignment was to capture the formal element of tone through photography.  This was a interesting element to capture due to the fact that all objects contain different tonal aspects.  There was also an overlap between the formal element tone and the other formal elements due to the fact that all objects contain tone created by shadow.

Favorite image

1/440, f/3.6, ISO 200

This was my favourite image due to the way that the black and white filter that has been placed on the image helps to heighten the tonal aspects of the image.  I also like the way that the colour select around the arrow helps to maintain the boldness of the shape and draws the eye in whilst directing the eye to the subject who would otherwise blend into the dull landscape of the image.

Least favourite image

1/11, f2.8, ISO 400

This is my least favourite image because I do not believe it accurately portrays the formal element of tone it may be more suited to the formal element of form.


For this formal element I encountered very few issues regarding the photography aspect itself as the element of tone did not require a particularly large zoom to achieve a good image this meant that a tripod was not necessary.  Unfortunatly however the weather was problematic and their was intermittent rain throughout the shoot.  The solution to this problem was to complete the shoot in the studio.

Joel Moritz's urban tonal work interests me and if I were to re-visit tone I would like to focus on his style.

1 comment:

  1. the image Portrait) above is well executed... it has a strong symmetry...
