Tuesday 20 October 2015

Reflection- Image bank

I like this image because of the way that the artist has created the image of the girl in the mirror without having the camera appear in the picture although the camera could have been removed in photoshop.  The image was either achieved by having a double model wearing the same dress stand in front of the mirror whilst another held it or by talking to separate images of the same girl and inserting the image whilst editing.  I feel that the surreal feel of this image is added to through the tonal contrast of range of the black and white.

I like this image because of the way that the artist has manipulated the image to create the illusion of reflection. This has been done in photoshop by inserting a cropped version of the original image into each image.  There a sense of ambiguity as the subjects face is removed from the image.

I like the way that the artist has captured themselves in this image using the element of  reflection in their photography.  I am also intrigued however as the photographer has implemented lighting to make their face a silhouette as well using the converging lines of the sky scrapers to give the image depth.

 I like the way that artist has manipulated the artist by editing to image together to create the illusion of a reflection.  This image is also interesting as colour selection has been employed in order to leave the shoes in colour whilst the rest of the image is in black and white.

This image appeals to me as I like the way that the artist has used camera angles as well as lighting in order to create a reflected image.  I also like the way whilst the image is not in black and white it has a strong tonal range amongst it's dull tones which provides depth to the image.

I like the way that the artist has used focus to draw your eye to the centre of the image and the frog by using a shallow depth of field to prevent the viewer from focusing on the objects on the surface of the lake surrounding the frogs reflection.  I also like the pink in the reflection as I feel that this provides the image with an interesting element of contrast.

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