Tuesday 20 October 2015

Shape- Work diary

The objective of the assignment was to capture the formal element of shape through photography.  This was an easy element to capture due to the fact that all objects are made of shapes.  There was also an overlap between the formal element shape and the formal element form due to the fact that form can be classed as 3D shape.

I think that this shoot went well as the weather was suitable for the shoot.  If I were to do the shoot again I may bring a tri-pod to keep the shot more steady.

Favourite image

1/390, F5, ISO 80

I like this image because of the way that the human form represents shape.  It also appeals to me because of the way which the image has been edited with colour select to centre the eye on the subject.

Least favourite image

1/450, f3.6, ISO 200

This is my least favourite image in the formal element of shape as I don't believe that it represents shape effectively. It is an image that would have been more suited to the formal element of line.

I find the below images taken by Phillip Klinger to be intriguing and would like to produce work in a similar style to his in the future.

1 comment:

  1. camera settings..please. Particular reference is required for depth of field, aperture... also with reference to the favorite image, in what way might this image relate to the surreal?
