Wednesday 21 October 2015

Form- Work diary

The objective of the assignment was to capture the element of form using photography in Harlow Town center and on the college campus. This was a relatively easy element to capture due to the fact that form can be represented in a variety of different formats. There was also an overlap between the formal element form and the formal element shape.

Favourite images

1/320, f/3.4, ISO 100

This is my favourite image because of the way that contorted around the gate.  I think that this showcases the human form well.  I have manipulated the image by decreasing the saturation of the image and increasing the brightness and contrast of the image.

Least favourite image

                                                          1/150, f/3.1, ISO 200

This is my least favourite image because I don't believe that it shows form successfully. 

When carrying out this shoot there was good lighting so the shoot was successful.  I did not have to use very much zoom in this shoot either which means that all of my images are clear with no blurred edges.  There is nothing I would change about this shoot other than the location.

Tim Booth's use of form to demonstrate personal characteristics interests me as his use of the form of a hand and minimal props allows for the subject to be known without their face being seen.

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