Tuesday 6 October 2015

Tone- Image bank

This image appeals to me as it is a tonal example of street photography which is one of my preferred genres of photography.  I also like the way that the converging lines of the road give the image a sense of depth, this sense of death is accentuated by the tonal contrast between the bright lights of the alleys end and the dark shadows of the tunnels walls.

I like this image because of the stark tonal contrast between the white highlights of the flower and the black background.  I find the way that the flower has been framed in a square interesting as it forces the viewers eye to look at the flower making it the images definite subject.

This image appeals to me because of the way that the different patterns of the water melons highlight the different tones created by shadow and lighting.  The fact that this image employs sepia tones to the image is also interesting as is the vignette on the image.

I like this image because of the contrast in tone between the foxs muzzle and legs, this contrast is made stronger by the black and white coloration of the image.  I also like the way that a shallow depth of field has been employed to draw the viewer's eye to the fox.

I like this image because of the tone created by the shadows and the contrast between the brightness of the metal and the dullness of the door.  I find the purple tone's in thus image interesting as they make the image more intriguing and contrast effectively with the cream tones.

I like this image because of the way that the variety of tones of colour give the image a wide tonal range despite the image not being in black and white.  The aspects of reflection and shadows are also interesting as they give the image a more engaging appearance.

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