Monday 28 September 2015

Line- Work diary

The objective of the assignment was to capture the formal element of line through photography.  This was a relatively easy element to capture due to the fact that everything is composed of lines from buildings to people.  There was also an overlap between the formal element line and the formal element pattern due to the fact that many patterns and markings are also comprised of lines such as zebra crossings.  

Favourite image

This is my favourite image because of the way that the lines of the lights on the building draw the viewers eye up to the roof top which is in itself a slanted line.  I find this combination of varied lines interesting and I have attempted to add contrast to this image by making it black and white to draw focus to the lines.

Least favourite image

This is my least favourite image because of the limited way that line is featured in the image.  I also feel that the colouration in this image is dull and not very striking or bold.

This was the first time I had used the equipment so there were a few errors in the focus of some of the images but overall I think the shoot went well. It was a sunny day with few clouds so there was very good lighting on the shoot.  I had a second shoot in Florida which is where I was able to photograph my favourite image, this has shown me the value of a varied location as I was able to take an interesting image.

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