Monday 28 September 2015

Colour- Work diary

The objective of the assignment was to capture the formal element of colour through photography.  This element was particularly enjoyable to capture for me due to the fact that colour is present in all things in various different forms such as muted and saturated.  This formal element overlaps with other elements due to the fact that everything has colours in it.

Favourite image

1/500, f/5.3, ISO 1600

This is my favourite image for colour due to the way that the bold yellow stands out against the dull grey background.  I find this image especially appealing due to the fact that I did not edit this image in photo shop.

Least favourite image

1/800, f/14, ISO 1600

This is my lest favourite image due to the fact that I don't believe that colour is well represented in this image.

I think this shoot went very well due to the fact that it was a very bright sunny day meaning that the colours present were particularly vibrant which helped to make the complimentary colours stand out against each other.

I like the appearance of Vivian Meyer's work as it displays colour in a simplistic and understated way.

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