Tuesday 10 May 2016

Low key lighting- Image bank

I like this image because of the central positioning of the hand as this forces the viewer to focus on it, the viewer is further drawn to the image as a result of the only lighting in the photo being aimed on the hand's surface.

This image appeals to me as the low key lighting of the skulls creates an eerie sense of mystery due to the fact that the skulls can only be partially seen as a result of the light being directed to create shadows and highlights on the image.

The stark tonal contrast of the white flower and the black background in this image captures the viewers eye and draws them into the photo.

This image appeals to me as it demonstrates the use of colour in low key lighting.  The employment of colour is interesting as it gives the image a sense of vitality that is absent in several of the black and white images.  The positioning of the rose in the right centre third of the image works to draw the viewers eye to the rose and complies to the rule of thirds.

This image appeals to me due to the tonal range between the black and white of the image as well as the sense of mystery as the entirety of the subject's face can not be seen as a result of the directed path of light and subsequent shadows.

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