Thursday 12 May 2016

Documentary- Straight images

Disney at night
This documentary series focuses on the lights of Disney on New years eve in Florida.  I felt that this was an interesting thing to document due to the fact that the lights are only up over the winter season and are extremely pretty. 

I choose to increase the saturation and contrast of these images in order to increase the effect go the lights on the image and make them as impressive as they appear in real life.

This documentary series focuses on my family at Disney land.  I felt that this was an interesting topic to photograph due to the fact that the Disney franchise is linked with the idea of family due to the fact that it caters to people of all ages.  

I feel that these images were somewhat influenced by Martin Parr's series the last resort and due to this I have chosen to increase the saturation of the images in order to to convey the feeling of summer and holidays whilst also attempting to recreate elements of Parr's style such as candid photography.

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