Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Movement- Work diary

The objective of the assignment was to capture movement locations off campus.  This shoot went relatively well however due to the yet weather some of the images suffered due to distortion on the lens due to rain.

I opted to have a separate shoot in order to better focus on the movement of traffic, I feel that this was a successful as it enabled me to better focus on a specific area of movement.

I think that the shoot went well due to the fact that I got a varied selection of shots however if I were to repeat the shoot I would bring glowsticks to recreate the movement of light shots as we had to use phone torches and could only achieve one colour of lighting.  I would repeat the shoot to prevents getting water droplets on the camera lens as they distort the image.

Favourite image

0.5, f/11, ISO 80

This is my favourite image due to the way that the movement is present in the left third of the image and the main colour in the image is present in the right third of the image. I do not like the distortion created by the rain on the lens.

Least favourite image

1.0, f/11, ISO 80

This is my least favourite due to the fact that the entire image is blurred opposed to the subject being all that it blurred.

Christopher Martin's style is interesting to me as I enjoy his varied style.

1 comment:

  1. please insert the camera settings and describe the outcomes using appropriate terminology.
