Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Depth- Work Diary

The objective of the assignment was to capture the formal element of depth through photography.  This was a more difficult element to capture due to the fact that it was a relatively windy day when I was taking part in the shoot meaning that it was hard to focus the camera for an extended period of time on the subject to achieve a shallow depth of field.  

Favourite image

1/10, f/5.0, ISO 80

This is my favourite image because of the way that the depth is represented by the shallow depth of field  which is made more prominent the colour select on the frayed corner of the poster.

Least favourite image

1/250, f/5.0, ISO 1600

This is my least favourite due to the fact that no elements of the image are in focus and the shot is poorly composed.

Overall I think the shoot went well as the majority of the shots were focused despite the wind due to the use of a tripod. The sunny weather also helped to achieve successful images.  In the future I would like to explore more locations as Harlow Town centre is at times limited in settings when attempting to achieve a variety of differently composed shots.

I feel that Nicholas Raymond's use of depth of field in these natural images adds an intriguing aspect to his photography.

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