The objective of the assignment was to recreate joiner photography in the style of Hockney. This series took place over two shoots one of which was studio based and focused on portraiture and one of which was landscape based. The first shoot was successful due to the fact that it in the studio. The second shoot was less successful as it was raining at the time this the camera un-focused and blurred the lens. I feel that both shoots however and I was able to create a selection of interesting photo joiners. I feel that the portrait joiners were the most interesting for me to create due to the fact that their non-uniform appearance made it possible for me to manipulate the images by adding props mid shoot or playing with the images perspective by altering the size of body parts. These possibilities allowed me to create somewhat surreal and sinister images.
Favourite image
1/125, f/8, ISO 200

This is my favourite image because of the way that the depth of the image is shown enlargement of the subjects hand. I like the way that the image appears to be disjointed and fragmented around the face particularly which creates an appealing join between the mask and the face.
Least favourite image
This is my least favourite due to the fact that the tree branches fit together poorly and there were not enough pictures taken to layer the the images in a aesthetically appealing way.
Overall I think the shoot went well as the majority of the shots were focused despite the heavy rain however if I were to redo the shoot I would aim to do it on a sunnier day. I would also like to explore the use of a wider range of subjects and props.
I would like my work in the area of joiner photography to be mimic Hockney's work as I feel that his style is one of the most intriguing styles of joiner photography.
I would like my work in the area of joiner photography to be mimic Hockney's work as I feel that his style is one of the most intriguing styles of joiner photography.
a good visual outcome for the first joiner... you still need to reference the camera settings used.